#1 Commitment Hack: Create a visible reminder of your commitment that you see constantly.

How to COMMIT To Daily Actions & Long Term Goals

Hi Coach, 

How do you commit to something?

A new habit… a morning routine… or kicking an old bad habit to the curb…

The answer is found in the #1 Commitment Hack that I got from my business coach Craig Ballantyne.

=> Create a visible reminder of your commitment that you see constantly.

For example…

Because of Craig, I recently changed my email signature to:

Success Loves Speed,

Mandy Green

Now every time I write an email I’m reminding myself (and the reader) to act fast…

I truly believe “success loves speed”…

But for a while I found myself repeating it to others without acting accordingly in my own life.

The daily reminder from my email signature “forces” me to act congruently.

This simple hack has already led to personal & business growth this week. 

It has me moving faster than ever.  Love it.

Believe it or not…

A simple email signature is changing my life for the better.

Take this idea and change your email signature to something that reminds you to do better…


Put a health mantra on the refrigerator door…

Put your #1 goal on the home screen of your phone or as your email password…

Tape a sticky note with a power phrase on your laptop…

Constant reminders pay off!

Just a heads up, as I am going to be sticking to “Success Loves Speed,” you are going to get an email or 2 more from me a week.

I have been doing a horrible job of getting word out about all of the ways that I can help you become more productive, organize, and successful this year.   

More coming tomorrow about this.  Keep an eye out in your email. 

Hope you had a great weekend!

Success loves speed!

Mandy Green

Here is how you can work with me: 

I run a Facebook group called the Productive Coach and Recruiter.  Every week I will post and idea or 2 to keep ramping up how effective you are with the operational side of your job. The idea is to help you eliminate what isn’t working and optimize what is.  

If you are looking for monthly mentoring where you are a part of a group of coaches who are working to simplify their recruiting by creating better systems, please consider joining Recruiting Made Simple

For a limited time, you can get all 5 of my books in a digital format for $50.