How to massively improve your output

Looking to massively improve your output and achieve your goals faster? 🎯 Dive into my new blog post for expert advice on optimizing your productivity!

How to massively improve your output

Happy Sunday Coach!

I want to start off with a blunt statement.

I believe that if you actually worked on your vital priorities without interruptions from external or internal distractions, all the hours that you were supposedly working, you could actually work a lot fewer hours and produce a lot more than your current behavior and habit patterns are producing.

Read that again. 

According to Gallup, the typical person works 50% of their capacity during any time of the year.

The rest of the time just gets eaten up by chit chat, internet trolling, email, personal business, and other distractions.

You’re getting paid 100% for your hours worked, but you’re only giving 50% of your effort.

And it could be the reason you are not reaching the next level of your career. Or working more hours than you should be.

Here’s a key distinction, prioritize output over hours.

I’m guessing your AD does not care how many hours you work. 

What do they care about?  Results.  (Graduation rate, experience, wins, roster size, etc.)

It is not the number of hours that you work, but what gets produced during each hour.

Measure results- output produced, versus hours worked.

Did you get that? It’s a good one. It’s what you showed up for here today.

So let me give it to you again. Measure results- output produced vs hours worked.

And I suggest that you change this metric for your staff as well.

Don’t get clear on the number of hours that they will need to spend working during the year.

Get clear on the number of results they need to produce.

You are not paying for hours worked, you are paying for results (output for production).

Make that the measured metric, not the hours worked.

If you measure the output instead of the hours, they’re held to the metric that you’re actually paying them for, which is results.

Did you catch that key point? I really hope so. And if they can produce those results in less time, good for them.

Plus, I believe you and your staff will propel in your career faster becuase we rise in this profession by the value and results we produce.

My point is, don’t get hung up on time. Only be hung up on results.

If you keep a focus on results, I promise you and your team can dramatically reduce the time it takes to produce those results.

And this means more time for you to work with your team or go home and be with your family and friends early, and still increase your results.

Today, I want you to decide how many hours this upcoming week you’re going to work on your results list. 

Schedule what you are going to work on for every work hour you are there to work. 

All of the other hours where you’re not doing your vital functions are where the outside world can have access to your time, energy and attention.

That’s all email, text messages, knocks at the door, etc.

Set your plan for this week and then stick to your agenda.

You’ll have more and better results to show for it and more time for your life outside of being a college coach.

If you would like to talk to me about how to set this system up for yourself, shoot me an email.

To your success,

Mandy Green

P.S.  Follow me on YouTube, Twitter, or Instagram for more self-management and recruiting tips and strategies.


P.P.S If you want to add more structure to your day with a better planning system, check out my daily planner for coaches.


P.P.P.S I am setting up Busy Coach and Recruiting workshops all around the country right now.  Just hit reply to this newsletter and let me know you are interested in bring me to campus to work with your staff or entire department.

Schedule a 1-on-1 call with Mandy Green to talk about your program's recruiting and time management needs.  

Social Story Recruiting Coming Soon!

This is a 365 Days Social Media recruiting calendar and training to help you better use social media for recruiting.  Just waiting for a few technology things to get set up and then you will have a chance to get it.  

Recruiting Made Simple

This month in Recruiting Made Simple we will be going over How to get recruits to un-ghost you!  To get the recording and all of the best practices, processes, and templates I provided, click the image to join.  You will not only get access to the un-ghosting stuff we do this month, but you will get 6 months worth of recruiting emails, templates, interviews, and processes to make your recruiting easier.