Why Time Management?

Mar 28, 2022

[trx_quote cite="#" title="Mandy Green"]If you don’t have a high level of focus or discipline to work on the right things, you are wasting time and things are taking longer to finish so as a program, you are probably working a lot more hours than you need to, which is taking away your free time to spend at home with family and friends.[/trx_quote]

Why Time Management?

As I continue to train coaches on how to manage their time better so they can be their best for their career, their team, and for their family, I’m finding more and more that everybody hates this topic.
These are pretty common responses I get all the time when I tell coaches or business professionals that I can help them get higher quality work done in less time with less effort:
“There is no way I can manage my day any better than I already am because I have so many things to do.”
“I am being interrupted all of the time or I have all of these obligations.”
“It is hard to believe that I could actually have harmony in my life, so why even bother trying to do better with my scheduling each day?”
This is my typical response when I hear these things-
“If you don’t have a high level of focus or discipline to work on the right things, you are wasting time and things are taking longer to finish so as a program, you are probably working a lot more hours than you need to, which is taking away your free time to spend at home with family and friends.”
Here are a few other good reasons you should focus on learning to manage your time more of a priority this year:
You can accomplish more with less effort
Better time management can help you do more of what you have to do –- faster. This doesn’t mean cutting corners or a decrease in quality. You just do what you have to do quicker (office paperwork) so you can do what you want to do sooner (coaching your sport or going home to spend more time with your family).
You feel calmer and more in control
When you don’t have control of your time, it’s easy to end up feeling rushed and overwhelmed with all there is to do. And when that happens, coaches tend to work harder and longer which leads to burnout and fatigue.  Once you learn how to manage your time, you no longer subject yourself to that level of stress. Besides it being better for your health, you have a clearer picture of the demands on your time.
Free time is necessary
Everyone needs time to relax and unwind. Unfortunately, though, many of us don’t get enough of it. Between office responsibilities, recruiting, family responsibilities, errands, and upkeep on the house and the yard, most of us are hard-pressed to find even 10 minutes to sit and do nothing.
Having good time management skills helps you find that time. When you’re more structured, focused, and disciplined to get the right things done, you’re going to get more done in less time. You accumulate extra time throughout your day that you can use later to relax, unwind, and prepare for a good night’s sleep.
You have more energy
Your ability to manage time has a direct effect on your energy levels.  Strange but true -- the act of finishing tasks often brings a level of satisfaction and energy that makes you feel good. The importance of time management here? It will help you do more of those endorphin releasing activities.
Become more successful in your career
Time management is the key to success. It allows you to take control of your life and career rather than following the flow of others. As you accomplish more each day, make more sound decisions, and feel more in control, people notice. Your team will notice that you are more organized and have more energy to lead and run your practices.  Your administration will notice that you are happier, more organized, and will see it in your team’s results.
You enjoy your life more
After all, that’s what it’s about, isn’t it? What’s the importance of time management in your life? The more value you put on your time, the greater your ability to learn how to do what matters so you can enjoy life more.
Managing how you use your time is a means to an end, but it brings enjoyment and satisfaction in its own right as well.
Accomplish your vision and goals
Time management is ultimately about working a vision backwards into strategic and scheduled chunks of time and tasks.  If you are not being strategic about what you want to accomplish in your life or with your program, then I feel you are just kind of doing random tasks each day and you find yourself doing busy work instead of work what is going to move your life, career, or program forward.
Time management is not just about improving your efficiency at work. The efficient utilization of time gives you as a coach the opportunity to maximize your potential to do what it is they will do with their time. The efficient utilization of time improves efficacy, productivity, and personal satisfaction. Learning to manage your time, will so improve your life quality by whatever definition you choose as to make time management a high priority for completion. Schedule it now!