Where Did You Deliver Above Promise?

Sep 25, 2024

Happy Sunday Coach!

First, I am hosting a free webinar this Friday called winning the week.  It will only be 30 minutes because I need to wrap it up before my kids get home from school :) More details below. 

Second, I hope you had a restful, fun, and fulfilled weekend. 

I was overwhelmed by all of the great emails that I got from you last week sharing what excellent was going to be for you.  Love it!!!!  I tried to reply to all of them but if I missed you, I’m sorry!!

Today, I want to keep you thinking about how to bring excellence to your work.      

I need you to pull out last week’s to-do list. 

While looking at your list, I want you to reflect on this question.  Where did I deliver above promise?

Think about each task you promised to work on or about each task you were assigned to get done last week.

Which ones did you do the bare minimum?  Which tasks did you go beyond the extra mile for?

You might think of yourself as a thankful person or a thoughtful person.

Where and when did you demonstrate and even go to another level on it?   

Did you finish the projects you said you were going to do? 

When you turned it in, was it done with excellence or was the quality total crap?

Where did you deliver above promise in your relationships?

Maybe you told the kids you're going to go out for a walk.  Did it happen or not? 

Or that you're going to hang out and finish the puzzle.

Maybe you told your spouse you're going to go out to dinner and not check your phone.

Did you deliver with excellence?

If no, why not? 

Make a few quick notes as to what can you do differently to not make the same mistakes this week.

If you did bring the excellence and deliver above promise, GREAT JOB!!  Keep doing what you are doing.   

Now, let's look ahead to this week:  

Pull out your to-do list.  

Decide right now, what would delivering with excellence look like? (I’d love to know what that is for you.  Email me) 

Have a great week! 

Mandy Green