What Happened to My Productivity When My Daughter Quit Soccer

Oct 16, 2024

Hey Coach,

Ever feel like you're juggling too much and can't find a way out? That was me last year. I was constantly busy, but I wasn't finishing anything. I gained over 10 pounds, wasn't sleeping well, and was always on the go. It was overwhelming. 

Then, about a month ago, I got a powerful reminder of the value of subtracting from my schedule. 

My 11-year-old daughter had joined a club soccer team that required a 45-minute to an hour drive. As a longtime soccer player and coach, I knew the commitment. We tried it for a year, but by the end of the season, she wanted to explore other activities. So, we quit the team. 

In the four weeks since stopping club soccer, here's what happened

More Productive Time 

I gained back 12+ hours a week previously spent driving. With this time, I finished creating my Busy Coach summer training series that will happen throughout July (which you will hear about soon) and made progress on other projects. 

Healthier Lifestyle 

My mental and physical energy bounced back. More family time reduced my stress. I started going to the gym four times a week, got to bed earlier, and woke up earlier. I even started Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (maybe not the smartest idea to pursue at 48, but it's fun!). I'm down 5 pounds and feel much better. 

Personal Growth 

I nearly finished reading two books and completed several courses to develop new skills. 

Financial Savings 

No more club soccer fees, gas, tolls, or fast food on the road. The savings add up quickly. 

Quitting this one activity opened up so much more time and energy for other important areas of my life. 

Why This Matters for You 

I'm sharing this story because I want you to consider the activities in your life that consume too much time. Imagine what you could achieve if you quit a few time-sucking tasks. 

The Myth of "More is Better" 

We've been taught that more work equals more success. But research shows we're really productive for just six hours a week, not the 40+ hours we believe. It's time to think about subtraction. 

The Power of Subtraction 

When you stop doing tasks that keep you busy but don’t bring results, you free up time for what truly matters. Here's a simple exercise to help you: 

1.     Choose an Area to Improve: Pick one part of your life where you want better results and less stress. 

2.     Make Two Lists: On the left, write down all the tasks you do in that area. On the right, list your successes in that area. 

3.     Connect Tasks to Successes: Match each success with the tasks that directly contributed to it. 

4.     Identify Unnecessary Tasks: Circle the tasks that led to your successes. Anything that isn’t circled can be eliminated, reduced, or delegated. 

Practical Example: Streamlining Your Work 

Let’s say you want to improve efficiency at work: 

  • Left Side: Attending meetings, ordering equipment, scheduling games, creating practice plans, reviewing game footage, communicating with players. 
  • Right Side: Winning games, players improving skills, boosting team culture. 
  • Connect Successes to Tasks: Creating practice plans and communicating with players are key. Attending all those meetings? Maybe not. 

By focusing on the tasks that truly matter, you can reduce your workload and free up time for other important parts of your life. 

Applying This to Your Personal Life 

Use the same approach for your personal life. Want more quality family time? 

  • Left Side: Cooking, cleaning, managing schedules. 
  • Right Side: Fun outings, deep conversations, shared hobbies. 
  • Connect Wins to Tasks: Deep conversations happen during dinner. Keep cooking, but simplify or delegate cleaning. 

Embrace the Joy of Doing Less 

Life isn’t about checking off a long to-do list. It’s about finding joy and meaning. By cutting out unnecessary tasks, you can focus on what brings you happiness and productivity

Quick Recap 

  • Less is More: Focus on fewer tasks that bring real results. 
  • Simple Exercise: Identify and eliminate tasks that don’t contribute to your success. 
  • Balance Life and Work: Apply this method to both professional and personal areas. 
  • Find Joy: Spend time on what truly makes you happy and productive. 

You've got this! Start subtracting to add more value to your life and career. 


This summer, I'm relaunching a few new and improved programs to help you apply these strategies. Stay tuned! 

Mandy Green