The 60/40 Rule: How a Simple Strategy Transformed One Coach's Success
Nov 19, 2024
Hey Coach,
I want to talk to you about something that transformed my productivity and overall happiness, and I know it can do the same for you.
I don’t remember the exact moment it happened but there came a point where I got sick and tired of the hustle and grind culture.
Juggling a million things every day, long hours, always on 24/7.
I was done with it. (This is why Busy Coach was created actually. I share this stuff with you every week to get you out of that mode much quicker than I was able to having to figure it all out on my own)
I was running on empty trying to do it all, thinking I had to squeeze every last drop out of my day to succeed.
But then I discovered something that made all the difference: the 60/40 rule.
You might have heard me talk about the 80/20 rule, where 80% of your results come from 20% of your efforts.
What I found—and what the world’s most successful people have realized—is that the 60/40 rule is actually a better fit for ambitious people like us.
Here’s the simple concept: Spend 60% of your time on what I call "needle-moving activities"—those tasks that directly drive your goals forward. The other 40%? That’s for the admin stuff, putting out fires, and just the regular things that come with being human (like managing emails, running errands, and spending time with your family).
Let me share a story with you about a coach I’ve been working with, Coach Mark from a small college basketball program. He used to feel overwhelmed every day, trying to fit everything in. But after adopting the 60/40 rule, his life changed dramatically. Here’s what he did:
Every Sunday night, he’d sit down for a planning session. He would look at his week and ask, “What are the needle-moving activities that will get me closer to my goals?” For him, this meant dedicating 60% of his time to recruiting, player development, and team strategy. He blocked off these times on his calendar all before 1pm—no distractions allowed.
The remaining 40% (after 1pm) was for all the other stuff that he had to handle as the head coach with no assistants. This shift in where he put his time gave him breathing room and a clearer focus.
Instead of feeling exhausted, Mark shares with me on our weekly calls that he is feeling more energized, and his team is producing better results because he is finally working on the things that truly matter.
Here is what I hope your taking away from this story: You don’t need to hustle and grind 24/7. You just need to do the right things more consistently.
Start each week by asking yourself: What will move the needle this week? Write down a few of the top tasks that, if you complete them, will make your week a win. Then block out time for those in your calendar. It’s not a “maybe I’ll get to it” list—it’s a commitment.
And remember, the other 40% is still important. It’s just that when you intentionally spend most of your time on the tasks that matter most, you’ll have the energy and freedom to handle everything else without burning out.
Give this strategy a try, Coach. I promise it’ll make a difference. Let’s start working smarter and be intentional with our time, so you can have more success as a coach—and in life.
You've got this!
PS - If you’re ready to maximize your results while minimizing the time and effort involved to produce them...
... Just REPLY to this email with the words “Busy Coach” and we'll set up a time to chat with you to find out if I can help.