Speed Up The Recruiting Process With This One Email

Mar 28, 2022

[trx_quote cite="#" title="Mandy Green"]Before I do anything in the office, I start out by asking the question “who do I need to reach out to today that will help me progress forward?[/trx_quote]

Speed Up The Recruiting Process With This One Email

Before I do anything in the office, I start out by asking the question “who do I need to reach out to today that will help me progress forward?” For example, what club coach can I reach out to today and develop a better relationship with that could potentially help me with recruiting quality student-athletes to my program? Or, what person on campus could I reach out to today to introduce myself or to thank them for helping me with something? Answering and acting on this one question has single handedly changed the pace and quality of recruits that we are now able to get to commit. It is amazing how much easier recruiting gets when you have more people out almost recruiting for you just because you took the time to say something nice.
Here is how I do it. On my way into work I think about who I can reach out to whether it be a coach of a team I saw over the weekend, a parent of one of my top recruits, a local business owner, a faculty member on campus, etc and I write it down into my planning page for the day from my Collegiate Time Management System for Coaches.. As soon as I get into the office, I turn on my computer and crank out a quick email to them. I usually only write to one person a day and only give myself 10 minutes to try to connect and build a relationship with whatever person I am writing to. I also do it first thing in the morning before I do anything else because I found that if I leave it until later in the day, there is a good chance that it won’t get done.
I didn’t notice much of a difference at first but over the course of the last year, spending the first 10 minutes reaching out to one person a day has really started to pay off for us. These coaches are helping us get in contact with recruits faster, are now talking to recruits on our behalf which is helping to get them serious about us sooner, and it has helped us narrow down our recruiting pool because of the insights they are now giving us. It is amazing how much faster the recruiting process goes when I have more people supporting us on our “recruiting team.”