Problems cannot be solved from the same level of thinking at which they were created

Jan 19, 2024

Hi Coach,

What I love about all of you who join me every week for this Busy Coach newsletter, is that you are a group who is looking for big results in the most efficient way.

Now that your teams are back, I’m starting to hear that a lot of you are resorting to your old ways of running around being busy all day and not feeling like you are making progress on your recruiting.

I don’t love hearing these things so . . .

If you don’t mind, I’d like to share a piece of advice that I got because I think it will help you as the school year is off and running again.

A few weeks ago I asked my business and performance coach what I could be doing better as a CEO of Busy Coach and as a National Recruiting Coordinator for Dan Tudor.

And was surprised (and not surprised) by the response I got from her…

“Mandy, the best thing you could do is to take more time away from the business to do big picture thinking and get clarity on your vision.” 

She was right.

I know this, but I don’t always do this.  It really is a simple concept, but hard to do when life gets crazy.

This year I’ve spent too much time working IN my Busy Coach and Dan Tudor businesses…

But not enough time working ON and thinking about the business.

So I’ve decided to shift my schedule and take Sunday “off”.

Meaning I’m spending that time thinking about the 2 businesses I’m doing and how to take them both to the next level…

Usually Sunday for me has been about getting caught up on administrative tasks, getting a head on a project, or finishing up my newsletter for a few hours before I hang out with my family for the rest of the day.

I’m still getting into the groove with this new habit…

And it’s actually a lot harder for me to do than I expected.

But I’m already seeing a BIG return on this time in terms of getting clarity and asking the right questions.


If YOU want to grow your program or get your recruiting to the next level.

And increase your results, impact, and influence while working less…

You must remember that:

“Problems cannot be solved from the same level of thinking at which they were created.” 

You need to step outside your day to day operational, team, and recruiting to fix the problems inside your program.

And if you aren’t setting aside time each week…

Even if it’s only 2-3 hours

…To sit and think deeply about your vision, your mission, and the path forward.

You’re leaving money, time, and bigger results on the table guaranteed.

So my challenge for you this week is to find a day or a big block of time to get away from your program and recruiting.

No email. No phone. No “work” of any kind.

Get out of your house and office and go somewhere inspiring for 2-3 hours and just think.

You’ll be surprised by the solutions you discover.

To Your Success,

P.S. In case you’re wondering… yes I did write this email yesterday to make sure it didn’t interrupt my “thinking time” today 😉

Have a productive week.

Mandy Green

P.S. If you found this helpful, please share it with your coaching friends. I want to help eliminate as much coaching office chaos for as many coaches I can this year. If I can save you 1-2 hours a day and get you so you don’t have to bring as much work home with you (besides recruiting calls), you will have more time and energy to spend with your families, friends, and on your hobbies. Happier and more productive coaches have happier and more productive teams!

P.P.S. Whenever you’re ready, here are 4 ways that I can help you double your results while working less in 2020.

  1. Join the Productive Coach and Recruiter Facebook Group

Get access to some of my best training and a rapidly growing community of coaches working together to become more organized, efficient, and effective so they can get the results they want quicker and get home to their families sooner — Click Here

  1. Join Recruiting Made Simple

If you want ongoing training on how to make the process of recruiting more simple, consider joining this group.  We meet once a month and go in depth on 1 topic.  You get my worksheets, checklists, and templates.  You also can get 1-on-1 implementation calls with me.  Click here for the Recruiting Made Simple details.

  1. Schedule a Becoming an Organized and Efficient Recruiter On-Campus Workshop

I’ve personally trained hundreds of college coaches individually and as a staff to be smarter, more effective high-level coaches and recruiters. Now it’s your departments turn. I give you a step-by-step blueprints that will teach you how to control your days, conquer the chaos around you, and concentrate on what matters most so that you can spend less time on operational things and more time working with your team on the X’s and O’s. It took me more than a decade of trial and error to discover this formula to how to work more efficiently and effectively as a college coach and I want to share it with you. To get a taste of what the workshop will be about. Email me at [email protected] for more details.

  1. Get 12-Months of Coaching from Me

If you would like 12-months of coaching to create a detailed strategy for success and get the accountability you need to succeed as a coach or as a recruiter, set up a call with me by emailing me at [email protected]. We can discuss all of the details from there!