If You Leave Your Time To Randomness, You Are Stealing From Your Greatness
I spend a pretty good amount of time each week on the phone with coaches helping them to be more productive coaches and better recruiters.
Usually one of the first things that I do when I first start working with a coach is to have a look at their calendar. I find that the activities that end up on their calendar tell me a lot about what that coach feels is important and what they are working towards.
What I tend to find that is that not a whole lot of time is dedicated for recruiting.
The 2 things I probably hear the most from coaches who are frustrated with where there recruiting is at-
“I just can’t seem to find the time to get all of my recruiting in.”
“I’m probably not spending enough time on recruiting each week because I get caught up doing other office work”
These coaches all intend to do it. They are not avoiding it. But does this sound familiar? You start the day with 8 work hours where you say you will get recruiting work done. The reality is that you might randomly do a little recruiting work here in between returning a few other administrative emails, you might randomly do a little more work there in between people stopping into your office, and then try to cram a few more work things in right before you leave for the day.
Any crammers in the group? Just checking, no judgment, I just hope you know that you're not going to go as fast as you could, that's all. I actually love working with crammers because they're easy to get to move faster because you do have that diligence of when there is a deadline and its on, you can go fast which really serves you.
But we have to take you from a crammer, to a preparer, and ultimately to a high performer and the way that we do that is to look at your daily schedule and go listen, if you keep leaving all these time slots all day long to randomness, what happens is they start to get filled with the Big D . . . DISTRACTION.
If your day is not blocked out for significant progress forward towards recruiting or one of your major coaching priorities or your goals, your living a reactive coaching life and it will play a huge part in you and your team not reaching their potential next year or with you not signing that recruiting class that you want.
“If you leave your time to randomness you are stealing from your greatness.” Brendon Burchard
If you continue to have random approaches to your day, you are stealing from your greatness bit-by-bit, hour-by-hour, day-by-day, week-by-week, month-by-month, and year-by-year.
The solution is one of the oldest things in the book of productivity, Discipline equals Freedom. The more you are disciplined with your time and what ends up on your schedule up front, the more time freedom you will have on the back end. I'm pretty sure that the coaches in my Win The Day Academy hear that from me pretty much every time we have a group coaching session.
So, here is what I want you to do for this upcoming week.
Ask yourself, what are the primary recruiting activities that have to happen this week? How can you then build your schedule so that your mornings are done in such a way that your time is blocked out and protected just to work on those primary big things? Don't do any reaction in the morning. Your morning block time is to recruit and do the necessary steps and big projects or priorities that must happen to move your team and coaching life forward. Plan your reaction time for later. Reply to your email, or reply to voice messages, or do your meetings in the afternoon, but not the morning. You might not be able to block off your entire morning for recruiting, but you for sure could do your first 2 hours.
My challenge to you: Try blocking out at least your 1st 2 hours of every morning for the next 2 weeks. I would be willing to bet that your stress levels will go down and you will actually start to feel like you are getting caught up. When is the last time you felt like you were caught up with your recruiting?
It is hugely important for you to get more block time specifically just for recruiting. The more block time you have up front, the more freedom you gain on the back. More disciplined scheduled time towards the things that matter to the growth and development of your program, the more time you will have for your family on the back end. That is how you get a head in the recruiting game, block time is everything.
Have a great week.
Mandy Green
Busy Coach President
To schedule a FREE 30 minute call with me click here http://www.meetme.so/mandygreen