Create a System to Write Recruiting Messages Faster

Mar 28, 2022

[vc_row][vc_column][trx_quote cite="#" title="Mandy Green"]If you just sit down and try to come up with a brilliant message that will get opened, read, and returned, you may find yourself wasting a lot of time staring at a blank screen as you try to figure out what to write.[/trx_quote][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]

Create a System to Write Recruiting Messages Faster

As College coaches, we write a lot. We write to juniors and seniors we are recruiting or have already committed, we write to parents, or we are writing to youth coaches who have players we want.
If you just sit down and try to come up with a brilliant message that will get opened, read, and returned, you may find yourself wasting a lot of time staring at a blank screen as you try to figure out what to write.
Also, if you don’t have a lot of experience writing recruiting messages or are not a very good writer, it can feel incredibly time-consuming. But more importantly, if you don’t have a strategy or workflow, I have found it takes even longer. So what I want to do today is to share what I learned from Michael Hyatt, author of “Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World.”
Michal Hyatt uses a 10 step process to write his blog posts quicker. I highly encourage you to try when you have to send out your next batch of recruiting emails. I know that it will help to speed up the recruiting writing process.

1. Start writing the night before.

Come up with what you want to write about and then rough out the details. The idea is to just get the process started and then let it simmer in the background of your thinking as it sits in your subconscious I’ve found that helps me so much. If I just sit down and try to write, I sometimes end up just being stumped, looking at a blank screen not knowing what to write about.

2. Use your downtime to think.

I want you to think about when you get your best ideas. Usually our best ideas happen when we’re relaxed. That’s why a lot of good ideas come to you in the shower and other places. By starting your recruiting message the night before, in your downtime until you actually write the email, you can purposefully be thinking about the next set of messages that you could send out.

3. When it is time to actually write your recruiting messages, go offline.

Put yourself in a distraction-free environment where your phone and email notifications are turned off. The thing that kills writing recruiting emails and turns a 30-minute process into a 7-hour process is when you’re allowing yourself to be bombarded by social media and other kinds of interruptions.

4. Turn on some music to get into a creative mindset.

What kind of music will get you focused and creative?

5. Give yourself a time limit and then set a timer.

I have found this helps a lot to create more urgency and helps to keep me focused on the work at hand.

6. Use a template.

Writing recruiting emails can go a lot faster when you have a premade writing template that you are following. By following a certain skeletal structure I’m not having to create that from scratch every time or having to guess what the flow of the email I am creating is going to be. For great ideas on what should go into your template, go to www.dantudor.com.

7. Write without editing.

Coaches can get stuck and it really slows them down if they’re editing as they go. Try to just write without interruption as fast as you can and just try to get it all out.

8. Then go back and edit.

 Look to eliminate redundancy
 Try to eliminate complex sentences and make them simpler and more straightforward.
 Ask yourself if there is an easier or simpler way to say that or a simpler word to use?

9. Add the pictures or links.

We try to put in a lot of links to get recruits to keep going back to our website. Or sometimes we use a lot of pictures to paint a picture of what it would be like to attend our school.

10. Send to a colleague to preview.

There are things they might pick up that you wouldn’t pick up otherwise.
Now, these 10 steps may work great for you. If not, hopefully at least I have you thinking about how you could tweak this to find a formula or process that would work for you. I think the important thing is that if you can define a process for yourself, no matter what that is, and then spend the next several weeks optimizing that so you know exactly what the steps are, it’ll be much faster for you to get in the groove and be productive with writing.
My hope in giving you this process as well is that it will take a little bit of the stress out of writing recruiting letters for you, because it can be very stressful. And when we get stressed about it, we actually end up procrastinating or putting it off, and then those consistent recruiting messages we are supposed to be sending never happen.
So no matter what kind of writer you are, come up with a system. It doesn’t mean you can’t deviate from the system from time to time. I do. But at least you have a track to get you started and a way to get your recruiting messages out that works for you 90% of the time.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]