Another tip to bring excellence into the way you work

Sep 25, 2024

Happy Sunday Coach!  

I hope you had a great weekend.  

First, I want to invite you to a Winning Your Week planning session this Friday March 8th from 2-2:30pm EST.  This will be new and improved from what I did last Friday.  Check out the link for the new details.

For the last 2 weeks, I have been sharing ideas on how to win the week by bringing more excellence.  Here are the last 2 newsletter articles in case you missed them


Today, I want to give you another idea that will help you elevate your game and help you win this week.  

I want you to start blocking off time at the end of the week for following-up. 

Did you follow up with everybody you needed to this last week?   

I believe we've really lost that skill as a culture to follow up with people.  I know I am guilty of it. 


Well, because we're either working on too many things at once or we are busy swiping for the next thing to get that dopamine hit.   

Forever scrolling has stolen our ability to stop and actually follow up with the people we need to follow up with. 

You probably had some conversations this week and you forgot to send the document you said you would send.  

Or you forgot to send that summary text, email, audio, PDF, video or that recommendation you promised.  

You said you were going to do it, but you just never followed up.  

I think that following up is an important component to winning your week.  

You need to schedule when you will do this on your calendar.    

Otherwise, you will never do it.  

I'd love for you to make space in your schedule at the end of this next week to finish up all the little tasks that didn’t get done or followed up on during the week. 

Block off 30-60 minutes. 

Use this time to finish the things you had planned on and follow up with the people whom you promised.   

It’s such a simple thing but it can elevate the excellence you bring to the week.  

Hope this helps.  If you give this a try, please let me know how it goes. 

To your success, 

Mandy Green