A way to maintain momentum on a big project week after week

Sep 25, 2024

Happy Sunday Coach!  

I hope you had a great weekend.  

First, I want to invite you to another Winning the Week planning session this Friday March 15th from 2-2:30pm EST. 

Here are what 3 coaches said after last weeks session:

  • Thanks Mandy! Excited to watch the replay. These are awesome. Thanks for all you do. -Caitlin
  • Great stuff! I’ve really enjoyed the last two sessions. Definitely helped me get back to neutral with a lot of the things I do so far. Looking forward to continuing the process. -
  • JackThank you SO much for doing this. Definitely felt very accountable to this. Got everything done on my list of last week .. thank goodness for spring break! -Amy 

This will be new and improved from what I did last Friday.  Check out the link for the new details. (You don't need to have attended the 1st two to join us.  Each week is a new week and we need to keep planning to stay on top of things.  

For the last 3 weeks, I have been sharing ideas on how to win the week by bringing more excellence.  I shared how to bring maximal presence, to deliver above promise, and how to create a system for following up.     

And last but not least, I have a 4th tip for you today to not only bring excellence, but when you do this, it will help you.   

I want you to ask yourself, are there any tasks that you can delegate to somebody else so that you can maintain momentum?  

I don’t know about you, but I love to finish the end of each week and think a little bit about delegation.  

I like thinking about which projects I have developed some momentum on or something that I really want to keep building.  

Then I ask, who can help me maintain this momentum?  

Can I document this and hand it off to somebody else?  

Can I shoot a quick video and show it to them so they can take it over?  

Where could I ask for help?  

This is all part of making sure that each week ends strong and the momentum continues on without me having to do more and more and more work next week.  

I believe that sometimes you have to hand off some your responsibilities to maintain momentum on the big things you are progressing towards.  

Seeking assistance is not a sign of weakness but a strategic move towards efficiency.  

It's not just about offloading tasks; it's about empowering others to contribute meaningfully to our collective progress. 

We want to wrap up the week on a high note and ensure that the wheels keep turning, even if you are not the one actually doing all the work.  

By offloading certain responsibilities, I'm not only lightening my load but also ensuring that our collective efforts propel us closer to our overarching goals. 

In essence, letting go of a few tasks isn't relinquishing control; it's about prioritizing the bigger picture. It's about striking a delicate balance between personal capacity and collective progress, ensuring that we're consistently moving forward without being overwhelmed by the sheer volume of tasks. 

So, as we wrap up another week, let's not just celebrate our accomplishments but also strategize on how to sustain the momentum. Let's empower others to carry the torch forward with some tasks that can be transferred, which will allow us to maintain our pace towards greatness without succumbing to the burden of overwork. 

As I wrap up this 4 part series, I’ll say that I believe part of my job through Busy Coach is just to keep fueling you to strive for greatness, to strive for excellence, to strive to give your best.  

You deserve to get a few more inches ahead.  

You deserve to get leaps and bounds ahead.  

You deserve to climb those mountains.  

You deserve to celebrate at the top. 


You have to show up and challenge yourself. 

Are you getting ahead? Be honest about it.  

If not, you need to be reflecting on where the problems are coming from at least on a weekly basis. 

If you want to set up a call with me to talk it over at no charge, please email me at [email protected].   

I appreciate you reading this article. Have an amazing upcoming week

And as you head into Monday, remember to tell yourself, “I'm ready to do this. I'm willing. I'm excited. I go into this new week with strength and intention. “ 

Get after it this week.  

If there is anything I can do to help, please let me know.  

To your success,  

Mandy Green