6 Busy Coach Reasons Why Coaches Fail to Get the Recruits They Want

Mar 28, 2022

Hi Coach,

A few weeks ago, Dan Tudor wrote in his newsletter, “If you’re having issues with getting the recruits you really want, it’s probably because you are failing to tell a compelling story, with a mix of logic and passion, done over an extended period of time.”

While I certainly agree with this quote, I also believe that there are a lot of other reasons coaches fail to get the recruits that they want.

Here are 6 reasons I find coaches lose out on the recruits they want year by year…

  1. They do all their recruiting off the top of their head. A common mistake is to try to use your memory to keep track of all the recruiting tasks you need to accomplish every day. I don’t care how good you think your memory is, the fact is that most people simply cannot rely on their memory alone to keep track of everything that needs to get done.
  2. No Recruiting Plan. To me, entering the season without a clear recruiting plan is like building a puzzle without the picture on the box. Sure, you may eventually finish the puzzle, but not without wasting a lot of time and energy putting pieces in the wrong places. Very few coaches will take the time to sit down and develop an 18-month or even a 12-month game plan on how to recruit. What is going to happen week-by-week, month-by-month, with their recruits?
  3. Email. Coach, we are not in the business of managing email. We are in the business of building great teams and people. Anything that distracts from that takes us away from our purpose. Many, many, many coaches I talk to every week tell me that their email is out of control.
  4. Coaches don’t have a set procedure for when they are doing their recruiting, who is doing what, and what is going out. You should have a clear set of steps that you work through as you move deeper into the recruiting cycle, and each one of those steps needs to have a desired outcome associated with it.
  5. A lot of coaches I’ve worked with don’t block out a specific time to recruit. They end up fitting it in around everything else in their life, which results in weak results and a lot of frustration.
  6. Distractions at the office can be a key barrier to getting a lot of key recruiting activities done. You’re in the middle of sending out some recruiting emails when you get an “urgent” email. You reply, only to have your phone ring shortly after. You hang up, but now there’s another email that demands your response. Then a coach stops by. Before you know it, its 5 p.m. and you still haven’t finished your recruiting emails, even though you started them first thing in the morning. Sound familiar?

I could go on with more reasons that coaches are potentially losing recruits, but you get the idea. How many of these are you guilty of?

We all know that recruiting is a 365 day-a-year beast. You could easily spend 40+ hours-a- week just watching practices, making recruiting phone calls, sending texts, emailing, on-campus visits, watching video, having staff meetings, etc. On top of your recruiting responsibilities, you also have to manage, train, and develop your current team. Some of you also have to teach classes or have additional administrative responsibilities. It’s a lot.

The demand for our time as a coach is increasingly exceeding our capacity — draining us of the energy we need to bring our skill and talent as coaches fully to life. The rise of digital technology is perhaps the biggest influence, exposing us to an unprecedented flood of information and requests that we feel compelled to read and respond to at all hours of the day and night.

It is really easy to get lost in all of the details of what we do day-to-day. But for all of us, obviously recruiting quality student athletes is vital to the continued or future success of our program. Recruiting is and should be a priority, so we need to find a way to give it the time it deserves.

To do that, we need to get organized, come up with a better strategy to progress step by step through everything, and then be able to stay focused by eliminating distractions so we can successfully execute on those strategies to maximize our results.

If you would like my help to maximize your recruiting results, hit reply to this email and I will let you know what the next step is.

If you want more ideas for how to work productively from home, follow my video tips on twitter, facebook, or instagram.

Stay safe and healthy!

Mandy Green

Recruiting Made Simple

P.S. If you found this helpful, please share it with your coaching friends. I want to help eliminate as much coaching office chaos for as many coaches I can this year. If I can save you 1-2 hours a day and get you so you don’t have to bring as much work home with you (besides recruiting calls), you will have more time and energy to spend with your families, friends, and on your hobbies. Happier and more productive coaches have happier and more productive teams!

P.P.S. Whenever you’re ready, here are 4 ways that I can help you double your results while working less in 2020.

1. Follow Me on Twitter

Get access to some of my best training and a rapidly growing community of coaches working together to become more organized, efficient, and effective so they can get the results they want quicker and get home to their families sooner — Click Here

2. Set Up a Free Coaching Call

If you would like a free 30-minute coaching call to create a detailed strategy for recruiting or coaching success for this upcoming year. To get on a free 30-minute call with me by using this link http://www.meetme.so/mandygreen.

3. Schedule a Becoming an Organized and Efficient Recruiter On-Campus Workshop

I’ve personally trained hundreds of college coaches individually and as a staff to be smarter, more effective high-level coaches and recruiters. Now it’s your departments turn. I give you a step-by-step blueprints that will teach you how to control your days, conquer the chaos around you, and concentrate on what matters most so that you can spend less time on operational things and more time working with your team on the X’s and O’s. It took me more than a decade of trial and error to discover this formula to how to work more efficiently and effectively as a college coach and I want to share it with you. To get a taste of what the workshop will be about– Click Here. Email me at [email protected] for more details.

4. Get 12-Months of Coaching from Me

If you would like 12-months of coaching to create a detailed strategy for success and get the accountability you need to succeed as a coach or as a recruiter, set up a call with me by using this link http://www.meetme.so/mandygreen. We can discuss all of the details from there!