Delegation Workshop for Coaches.


Stop underperforming, develop your performance culture, and start getting more done.

Live Training July 22nd-25th from 1-2:00pm EST

Discover how to take your staff from Good To GREAT with our college coach specific delegation system that has already been used by thousands of coaches from all over the country. 



Lee Iacocca once said, “The speed of the leader is the speed of the team.”

If you’re going to build your program, you need to grow and develop as a leader. Through this workshop, you will develop new skills and capabilities to more effectively lead your team to success.

High performance cultures require clarity of expectation, transparency with regard to execution, and evidence of impact.

This workshop will arm you and your staff with the tools and structure you need to solve your most pressing performance problems.

When you complete the training you will have proven systems and processes in place that will allow your staff to gets 2 steps ahead, be working on the right things at the right times, and execute to a higher standard.
Each individual member of your team will be crystal clear on what needs to be done to meet your goal, and the specific role they will play in accomplishing it.

Your entire team will be working from tactical plans that are highly executable and easy to understand. Everyone on your team will score their execution each week and report their results in a weekly accountability meeting.

You'll have your finger on the pulse of what is getting done, and more importantly, what isn't getting done at any given moment. This way you can identify and fix any performance breakdowns before it's too late.

Don't settle for poor performance and mediocre results. Give your staff the proven structure, methods, and processes they need to thrive in their roles so you can focus on building momentum in other key areas. 


This Is For You If . . . 

    • You’re under too much pressure to keep all of the plates spinning.You know you need to delegate but don't know how to do it effectively.
    • ​You tried delegating and end up having to re-do a bunch of the work yourself.
    • ​You want to have systems in place that current and new staff members can easily follow without you spending hours repeating yourself.
    • You want to automate things to help your program run more efficiently.
    • ​You often spend weekends, evenings and early mornings putting in more hours. And it affects your home and family life.
    • ​You’re ready to take a leap from an Overwhelmed Chief "Everything" Officers to a Confident Head Coach.

Everyone Deserves To Experience The Competitive Advantage of A High Performance Culture.

But There's a Problem...

  • Training your entire staff is expensive
  • Your staff's current approach for getting things done isn't working
  • You're leaving successful execution up to chance
  • ​Traditional time management is no longer effective
  • Confronting poor performance is often put off and ineffective
  • Nobody has given you a proven plan for getting things done

This workshop will cover a lot of what you will need to develop yourself and your staff all in one place. And for a fraction of the cost of other development programs.

All The Tools You Need To Successfully Free Up Your Time By Delegating Tasks to Your Staff.

Day 1

  • Mindset Training: What are your current beliefs about your ability to delegate?
  • I’ll reveal our 4D Mix Framework and how to apply it to your workday, no matter what type of work you do…
  • You’ll identify exactly what delegating is going to be WORTH to you in real monetary terms, so that you can delegate the right things first
  • You’ll get complete clarity on how to stop getting caught in the "decision trap" as you start to delegate!
  • Get clear on exactly what you need to communicate with your team so that they can always be 5 steps ahead of you.

Day 2

  • Mindset Training: How your identity is tied to being a hard worker and how that is holding you back.
    Our P.I.C. principles to better understand WHY people don’t make the
    decisions you need them to make 
  • We’ll help you identify which tasks to delegate first to create the most success. 
  • Step-by-step instructions on how to easily transfer anything off your
    plate without the need to create long & immediately obsolete SOP’s!

Day 3

  • Mindset Training: Your belief that nobody can do the task better than you.
  • You will learn the 3 factors you should consider when deciding which tasks to take off of your plate.
  • How to capture, organize, and how to successfully pass of a task (this process will significantly reduce how long it will take on onboard new assistants in the future)
  • The step-by-step IPO process to ensure you are going to be successful communicating the task you want off of your plate.

Day 4

  • Mindset Training: Attack the process, not the person.
  • How to use our "IPO approach" to make sure your expectations are
    met every time you delegate something off your plate
  • The 3 critical must-ask questions to delegate with more ease + success.
  • Exactly what to do before every delegation handoff to make the
    odds of success increase 10X!



When you register for this workshop,

you’ll get:



-The Live Training with Mandy AND the recording
​-The Feedback F.R.E.A.K. Systems to help your staff grow through constant feedback loop
​-The "A" Player Agreement that helps you clearly define expectations and KPI's for each of your team members
-​How to earn unbreakable trust with your staff through a simple, yet highly effective trust tool
​-The most effective way to motivate your team without having to pay them more $$$
​-How to run effective meetings in half the time
​-The top 3 strategies to improve communication with your team that your are currently NOT doing
​-How to properly onboard new team members using our 30 day onboarding system
​-How to NEVER have to micromanage again by empowering your team to help you build your program



-​Instant Plug-And-Play Delegation System In Google Docs with guides to each project management tool, so your team can start implementing it quickly 

​-55+ Plug-And-Play Admin And Operations Checklists

​-40+ Email Templates: Done-For-You and Professionally-Written 

​-Social Media Branding Workflows for Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter, Media 



-You will have access to me for the rest of the year to answer any follow-up questions you may have.  

You get all of this for just $100 when you join us NOW in the Good To Great: Take Your Staff from Overworked to Optimized Workshop for Coaches!

Plus, there’s ZERO RISK on this one.😱 And I mean it! My commitment to you is that if you don’t feel like you’ve received 10x ROI after the first day of the workshop — I’ll refund your money, no questions asked.


I can’t wait for you to join the Delegation Workshop for Coaches.  

In case you don't know me, my name is Mandy Green and I have been a college soccer coach for 23 years and am the founder of Busy Coach. I also have been Dan Tudor's National Recruiting Coordinator for 4 years now. 

I know that delegation is an area of personal and professional management that many coaches struggle with. The difficulty stems from our need to control outcomes and a strongly rooted belief that we know how to do things best.

It's often a scary prospect even to think about letting someone else take over a task or duty we've been doing for a while:

What if they don't do it correctly?
What if the outcome is not up to my standards?
What if they don't do it the way I've been doing it?
What if I become less essential to my program?
What if, (gasp), they do it better than me?

Think about it coach. By nature we love to keep control. We also fear the repercussions when our support staff fails to complete something correctly or in a timely manner. The failure might reflect badly on us so we take the path of least resistance. Rather than working on improving our delegation skills to the other coaches we work with, sometimes we simply keep hold of more tasks. That way we can make sure things are done completely the way we want them done. Being overworked somehow seems less risky than having things done that might not meet our exact requirements.

Delegation means taking true responsibility and inevitably means giving up some control. 

Delegation, when done well, benefits everyone. You have more time to concentrate on the main responsibilities of your position. Your support staff will have more opportunities to expand and enrich their jobs. An added bonus is the fact that because delegation relieves your own time pressures, the job gets done better in the long run.

So, cast off your preconceptions about delegation! You were doing a good job before: You can do even better when you delegate more. With a fresh perspective and little courage to "let go", you'll be amazed by what you can achieve!

Come join us for the workshop! 

Success loves speed, 

Mandy Green

A One-Time Payment of only

$49 (no brainer)