I spent $6,000 to get this strategy, and I want you to have it.

Another High Performance Review That Has Gotten Me Crazy Results

Hi Coach,

Hi Coach,

This week I want to share with you the 2nd type of review I think you should be doing as a coach to help maximize your performance.   If you missed what I shared list week, go here to read the high performance review I use with my clients. 

I’m talking about your day-to-day performance that is 100% in your control. 

If you want to be a consistently high performer, I believe you need to set up your own performance reviews that happen more than 1x a year by your administrator.  You know the ones where you get rated by somebody who isn’t in the day to day of your program who just looks at your external results and rates you on a scale of 1-5.

Almost every high performer at the highest levels I’ve ever talked to or studied has some type of weekly review that they do.

I got a performance coach who started me on this habit and now I do this with all of the coaches that I am mentoring at the moment.  I started very casually at first where I would just sit down and think about the previous week, I would write down what I was grateful for, what I learned, things like that.

When I got a performance coach, it took me to another level of intention.  My coach has taught me that if I want to drive sustained long-term performance, I need to be even more intentional about it because it won’t just happen randomly.  For me now, I spend a full hour block of time on Sundays to work on myself.

Most coaches won’t take that much time because the weekends might be catch up day, you might be playing games with your team, recruiting, or it’s family day. It’s a rest day. It’s Netflix day these days for a lot of people.

All I am asking for is 10-20 minutes to set yourself up for future success. 

Here are some principles of the weekly performance review I want you to follow.

You need to block time to do a weekly review to drive your performance.  Everyone violates this one and it’s also why most coaches don’t see this sort of ratcheting up of performance and success in their life.

Think about how you are currently working.  Are you going through the day fairly randomly? Are you ending the week crashing and burning, and then just starting the next week? Do you not allow yourself the time to do the introspection that would help you gain not just new insights or new things to work on, but also help you identify where to go next?  

What I know is if we’re going to increase your performance and your ability to succeed at the next level, we’ve got to get you blocking time to do a weekly performance review.

We’ve got to have a time on your calendar scheduled to do it. I just do mine at the end of the week so I can set myself up to be more successful the next week. Some of my clients do theirs on Friday morning for 20 minutes because they don’t want to mess with their weekends. I’m cool with that.  

Ultimately for you, no matter how crazy things are, I want you to find at least 20 minutes 1x a week week that’s blocked out and that’s when you do it, period.  Got it?

You need a separate journal that’s only for performance review.  It’s a journal that has no other thoughts, no writing, no randomness, no diary, no gratitude journal.  None of that lives in your performance journal. Your performance journal is for you to learn about how to become more of a weapon in life so that you gain greater self-mastery at what you’re doing. It’s only for these performance reviews.

Score everything. The basis of real growth in performance comes down to scoring. It’s just like if you’re going to go work out and you’re trying to be able to lift more weight. If you go in the gym and just have the intention to lift weight but you’re not tracking how much weight your lifting, how many reps, or how many sets you’re doing, then your leaving your growth to randomness. You have to score it.

Coach, you know this, and you probably do this pretty religiously with your team.  You score key performance indicators for your athletes and you coach them through the adjustments.  I want you to do the same thing for your own performance week by week.

To score things, it really is up to you how you want to set it up, but I just use a simple 1-10 scale.  1 = it was bad that week. 10 = I kicked butt.

Here are 3 areas I think should be scoring:  Your roles, goals, and performance drivers.

What roles do you have? Maybe you’re a mom. And you say, okay, how did I do as a mom this week? How did I do as a husband? How did I do as a team leader? How did I do as a role model? Make a list in your performance journal of all of the roles that you want to score yourself in each week.

The second area is your goals. You should know what your goals are and then you should score yourself against those goals at the end of each week. How did I progress against those goals? Did I progress on the goals you have this week?

The last one is performance drivers. What makes you great? What makes you most successful?  What drives your highest levels of performance?  Just to give you an example, the performance drivers that I measure are from Brendon Burchard’s book High Performance Habits and they are clarity, energy, necessity, productivity, influence, and courage.

When you have this review system in place, it will guide your week. 

Every week on a Sunday, I block my time to do this. I keep my written journal and then a score myself in these areas.  

This process is about increasing your self-awareness. As we increase your self-awareness, we increased your ability to become great.

These things I measure become my intentions. They become my initiatives.  My initiatives become my habits and they continually form the future self I want to be. So simple.

Honestly, if you’ve never done this before, just doing this one simple thing will completely transform the quality of your life. It will take a few weeks to kick in but this can put you ahead of your competition who doesn’t read and act on the advice I’m giving in this newsletter.   

For me, being more intentional each day of my life is what made each day of my life get better. And I feel like I’m on this arc of growth in my life where I always feel like I’m just beginning, but I’m still so far away from where I was before. And that only happens because of this personal practice of a weekly performance review.

I hope this helps.  If you have any comments or feedback, please reach out to me at mandy@busy.coach.  If you want my help to keep you accountable, email me or text me at 319-621-2384. 

To your success, 

Mandy Green