As you head into a new week, instead of making a long to do list of your to do’s for the day, which is probably just a transference of all the stuff that you didn't do last week, I want you to schedule everything that you will do in your calendar.  

As you head into a new week, instead of making a long to do list of your to do’s for the day, which is probably just a transference of all the stuff that you didn't do last week, I want you to schedule everything that you will do in your calendar.  

One Big Idea to Win The Day–Today!

Good evening Coach! 

I hope things went well for those of you whose teams competed this weekend.   

As we head into another week, I’m wondering, what’s on your to do list?  

Do you have a to do list?  

In my experience, to-do lists only cause you pain.  


Because it reminds you of all the stuff you aren’t doing and probably haven’t done for a while with little chance of them ever being done.  

Most to do lists are just written procrastinations of all the things that I need to do but have no realistic plan to get to and we’ll probably go to bed tortured by them one more time.  

If I just basically described you to a tee, I want you to consider using a different tactic.     

As you head into a new week, instead of making a long to do list of your to do’s for the day, which is probably just a transference of all the stuff that you didn’t do last week, I want you to schedule everything that you will do in your calendar.  

Game changer.  

Block off time in your calendar in 30 minutes to hour long blocks.   

As the adage goes, what gets scheduled gets done.  

You’ll note that the adage isn’t what gets put on a to do list gets done.  

You’ll make several discoveries when you apply this different tactic.   

You’ll realize that you’re trying to do too much without the actual available time to do them.  

No wonder you keep dragging your to do lists from one week to the next. 

You’ll will be way stricter about what is actually important enough to go on your calendar.  

Lots of minor crapola just gets flushed. 

You’ll actually do what gets scheduled.  

Tada. Enjoy your productive day. 

To your success,  

Mandy Green 

P.S. It is my birthday next week on the 16th and the plan is to finally release my new college coach specific performance planner.  I am just finishing up some of the training videos.  Keep an eye out for the release!!   


I created a Free College Coach Master To-Do List resource to help you get more PRODUCTIVE and BETTER ORGANIZED.