Camp SOP

Example Residential Camp Standard Operating Procedure

Get camp dates

Check with other schools to make sure our camp doesn’t conflict

Run it by compliance (add compliance persons name and email)

Ask administrator (add specific name and email) if field is available and indoor space is available incase weather is bad.

Fill out the forms for compliance-jumpforward

Create brochure-send it to brochure person (add name and email

Get non-current players pictures

Once brochure is finished, send it to compliance, administrator, and business for approval


Get it up online with Bill Phillips at myonline camp.

Put it on our website- Sports Info (add name and email)

Camp confirmation letter-in summer camp folder.

  1. Review it first to make any necessary changes. Show other staff to proof read it.


Add it on social media

Email our database

Email to club coaches

Mail out brochures

Other coaches

Email other coaches to let them know about our camp if they want to come and recruit at it.


Figure out who can work camp as counselors

Camp college coaches?

Strength coach?

Get them to fill out the online application

Send them the background info email text

Get them to fill out the payroll paperwork

Pre-camp meeting expectations and Title 9


Get it lined-

Get it mowed-

Watering Schedule-

Send the mowers our camp schedule so they can work around it-

Make sure nets are on the goals

Backstop net is up

Corner flags in.

Music set up

Balls pumped up

Pennies washed


Give dorm people our camp dates asap- dorm person contact –

Rooming list and emergency contact list 1 week before camp

Which dorm will we be in?

Schedule  key pick-up

Get lanyards- the day before or the morning of camp


Decide what meals we will be eating in the cafeteria

Figure out the current year prices

Order pizza at night-Neil

Get extra food and Gatorade for the camp store

Lunch for the last day. Jimmy Johns

Camp store

Decide what we will sell-tees, scarves, food

Get a price sheet

Get extra cash and change

Check the weather

Do we need to go inside at all

Check with Dan to see if it’s possible to get inside


Who will work it?

Pass onto them the schedule and location

Can we get water bottles from them?

How many campers we will have

Need water and Gatorade

Need to be at the opening camp meeting

Are they eating with us?


Print out camp schedules

Set up store

Camp greeting


Go over logistical stuff-see next page

At the end of camp

Compliance paperwork

Budget sheet

Get everybody paid.

Process refunds

Camp meeting

Welcome and thank you for coming

Intro’s-me, Josh, Neil, trainer, players who are there.  There will be a few other college coaches who might show up

Training room

We will train you how we train our team so this will not be easy.  Have fun, learn, ask questions.

Need to sleep, eat, drink water.

Bring your ball and pump it up

Wear sun screen and bug spray

Feet-always wear shoes and sandals

Other camps here at the same time

New field-pick up your garbage, Bathrooms out there

Dorms-you will get a wake up call in the morning.  Don’t leave the dorm.  You will be sent home if you leave without telling anybody.  Don’t lose your key.  Don’t break anything.  Bed check and lights out.

You will leave the dorms together as a group.  Don’t be late! Stay together.

We will eat in the MUC.  We will all walk over together.

Pizza at night.  We will sell things at a camp store at night.

Challenge yourself

Have fun

To your success,

Mandy Green

Busy Coach

Tudor Collegiate Strategies

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