Want to Separate Yourself From Your Competition?

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Successful people do more in a day than others do in a week. HOW? These kinds of “super-achievers” have 24 hours in the day, like the rest of us; but somehow, they always seem to get more done.

How do they do it? They have created success habits.

In this challenge, you will learn how to build a foundation for success by being more intentional and strategic as you execute tasks throughout the day that will affect every area of your coaching life.

20 Years of Coaching Has Taught Me to Automate

I’ve been a college coach for over 20 years, and know how much you have to do. You have hundreds of tasks daily. Does each one need your full attention? Not any longer. Automation let’s you do it once, then let a system do it after that. Much of our work is repetitive. We now have robots for that. Make decisions once, which make a thousand future decisions.

During the Busy Coach 30 Day Challenge, you’ll find yourself quickly becoming the person you need to be to create the Level 10 coaching life you truly desire. In this Busy Coach 30 Day Productivity Challenge, you will learn how to incorporate 8 productivity habits used by the super achievers of the world that will help you be a better coach.

How do they do it? They have created success habits.

Set your course for an incredible year of recruiting success and accomplishment using these simple exercises that help you


Want to Separate Yourself From Your Competition?
Build a foundation for success by being more intentional and strategic as you execute throughout the day.